Tooth loss is something that most people will eventually have to deal with in their lifetimes, and it's a fairly serious issue. If you don't replace that tooth, all kinds of bad things can happen, like your teeth shifting into the gap where the tooth once was, or a loss of functionality speaking and eating. That means you'll be faced with choosing some kind of option for replacing the tooth, and if you have multiple teeth missing, the decision can be even harder. In order to make the best and most informed choice, you should be aware of the benefits of both implant-supported dentures and traditional dentures, assuming you've decided that dentures are the way to go for tooth replacement.
Traditional dentures constitute an option for tooth replacement that is completely removable, and which is designed to replace the functionality and the form of your original teeth. The biggest difference between traditional dentures and implant-supported dentures is that traditional dentures have to be removed at night time when you go to sleep. In the morning, you'll be able to brush them after they've been sitting in cleaning solution all night, and they'll be ready for good service the rest of the day.
Implant-supported dentures provide a permanent solution for tooth replacement. A surgical procedure is necessary to install the titanium implants into the jawbone, and it will then take several months before osseointegration can fuse the two together. Dental implants will usually last a lifetime as long as proper care is taken of them. Implant-supported dentures are much more stable than traditional dentures, because they're solidly anchored in place by the small titanium implants fused into the jawbone.
There are quite a few benefits provided by implant-supported dentures which are simply not available with traditional dentures. For one thing, implant-supported dentures are so good at replacing your natural teeth that they will also restore a measure of good health to your mouth. Since they are permanent, you can eat anything you might want on your menu. You can also take care of them in the same way that you care for your natural teeth, i.e., by regular flossing and brushing at least twice a day.
Another outstanding benefit of implant-supported dentures is that they will not shift or move around inside your mouth, even if you're eating particularly chewy foods. This can be a great advantage for biting, chewing, and speaking, because with no slippage possible, you can carry out all these functions normally. Probably the biggest disadvantage of implant-supported dentures would be the cost of having them installed.
Installing implants is a surgical procedure, and it will generally cost you much more than it would to have traditional dentures put in. It can also be considered a drawback that it will take somewhere between two and six months for osseointegration to be completed, which is the fusion process that takes place between a titanium post and your jawbone. During this fusion process, you will have to find some other way of replacing your missing teeth, while you're waiting for the final installation of your implant-supported dentures.