Jamaica Plain

How Much Do Implant-Supported Dentures Cost?

Missing teeth can cause a variety of problems, including gum disease, jawbone deterioration, additional tooth loss, and more. The good news is, there are options for tooth replacement.

Many patients choose dental implants because they look, feel, and function more like natural teeth. However, they are among the most expensive options, especially if you are replacing an entire arch of missing teeth. Dentures are a more affordable solution but come with many disadvantages.

Implant-supported dentures offer the best of both worlds: the stability and security of dental implants with the affordability of dentures. In this article, we'll explain what you need to know about implant-supported dentures at ZircTeeth.

Factors That Affect The Cost Of Denture Implants

Below, we'll explore the factors used to determine the final cost of your denture implants:

    Typically, implants are made of titanium, which is biocompatible and safe for most patients. However, there are some who are allergic to some of the trace metals used in titanium. In this case, zirconia is used, which is a type of ceramic.
    As a general rule, 6 to 8 implants are required for a full arch of implant-supported dentures. However, partial dentures may only need 2 implants. Some dentists offer All-on-4, which is a system of 4 implants with an overdenture.
    Most dentists recommend porcelain dentures, as they look the most natural. However, porcelain can be more expensive, so patients who need to save money may choose composite resin instead. However, it is important to note that while composite resin is cheaper up-front, it also must be replaced more often. Porcelain has been proven to last longer.
    If you have active gum disease or inadequate bone density, you may require additional treatments. If not addressed, both of these issues can contribute to dental implant failure.Also, some dental offices offer free consultations, including x-rays and other imaging, and some do not. Therefore, these may add to the cost of your procedure.
    The final factor in determining the cost of your implant dentures is your insurance coverage. There are some providers that consider this a functional procedure and will cover a portion of treatment. On the other hand, some consider it more of a cosmetic treatment, since there are cheaper options, and will not cover treatment. Our office staff will work with your provider to determine coverage.

Do You Need Denture Implants?

If you are missing most or all of your teeth, you may want to consider implant-supported dentures. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to help you determine if you need denture implants:
  • WOULD YOU LIKE A PERMANENT TOOTH REPLACEMENT? Missing teeth can cause a variety of issues and conventional dentures can be difficult to wear. Therefore, if you are interested in a permanent solution for your tooth loss, you may want to consider implant dentures.
  • ARE YOU MISSING A LARGE NUMBER OF TEETH? Dental implants are the "gold standard" of tooth replacement, which means they are among the most expensive tooth replacement option. Therefore, if you are missing most or all of your teeth, denture implants may be the best solution because you can replace an entire arch of teeth with 2 to 8 dental implants, depending on your situation.
  • ARE YOUR TEETH HIGHLY DECAYED? If you are missing some teeth and your remaining teeth are decayed, implant dentures can restore the appearance, feel, and functionality of your mouth.
  • DO YOUR TEETH SHIFT WHEN PRESSED ON? If your remaining teeth are loose, you may want to consider implant dentures. The implants will keep your jawbone healthy so that you don't lose more teeth.
  • DO YOU HAVE TOOTHACHES ON A REGULAR BASIS? If you are constantly experiencing toothaches, you may want to consider having your teeth extracted and choosing implant dentures as a tooth replacement solution.
  • DO YOU HAVE INFLAMED GUMS? If your gums are inflamed, you should be evaluated for periodontitis. If you have active periodontitis, you'll want to be treated. Then, if you're missing most or all of your teeth, the best option may be implant dentures to keep your gums and jawbone healthy.

Denture Implant Process:

There are several steps involved in getting dental implants for your implant dentures.


    The very first step to any dental procedure is the assessment, or consultation. The dentist will perform a comprehensive exam to determine the condition of your mouth. This typically includes x-rays and other necessary imaging. Your expectations for treatment will also be discussed. This information will be used to create your personal treatment plan.


    If you are healthy enough to undergo oral surgery, the dentist will move forward with implant installation. This involves cutting an incision in your gum and drilling a hole in the jawbone. An implant screw will be placed in the hole and the abutment, which will be used to secure the prosthesis in place, will be attached and the incision closed.


    Finally, a temporary denture will be placed on the abutments. This should be worn during the healing process and should not be removed for 48 to 72 hours. This will allow you to go back to your normal routine with only a few changes. You will want to stick primarily to a soft foods diet for a few months until the implant screws are secured.


    Every 6 months, you should visit the dentist for a check-up. During these visits, the dentist will evaluate your dentures as well as your dental implants to ensure that everything is working as it should.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you are missing all or most of your teeth and think you might be interested in implant dentures, schedule your consultation with the team at ZircTeeth today. We have three locations to serve you: Boston, Manchester, and Malden. We can help you restore your smile, improving your oral and overall health, as well as your confidence.

Denture Implant FAQs

If you're thinking about getting implant dentures and you have questions, we will be happy to address those with you. We believe that it's important for you to understand the procedure. Below are some of the most common questions that we get about implant dentures.
Implant dentures are well worth the investment because they offer all of the advantages of dental implants combined with the affordability of dentures.
Implant dentures are designed to be removed at night for cleaning and to allow your mouth to rest. You should not sleep with implant dentures in.
Implant placement is a surgical procedure, so it may require you to spend a couple of hours in the dental office. Typically, it takes 3 to 6 months for the jawbone to heal around and fuse with the implant, securing it in place. You will wear a healing denture during this time.
Porcelain is the most natural-looking material for dentures, as it can be customized to match any remaining natural teeth. However, acrylic is a good option for those who are on a budget, as it can be made to look natural.

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